I’m so glad you’re here

I want to acknowledge you for taking the first step to living a better life. I understand how difficult this can be. I am here to help you experience less of what is hurting you, and more health, growth, and healing.

Make the shift from surviving to thriving.

Are you suffering in silence?

So many of us go about our day to day lives feeling alone, unheard, and misunderstood. We struggle with things such as anxiety or depression, but bottle these feelings up and continue to push forward.

While it is possible to live your life this way — there is a better way — why not choose something different?

The decision to begin therapy can be life changing.

Can therapy help me?

Therapy is like turning on a light in a dark room…showing us solutions that we did not know existed, and things that we did not feel capable or deserving of. It’s not always easy to ask for help, but the long-term benefits far outweigh any short-term discomfort.

No one is meant to struggle and figure it all out on their own.

What does therapy look like?

If you have never been in therapy, it can feel like a mysterious and intimidating process.

Therapy is meant to challenge us - to help us take a closer look at some of the things that we struggle with or have been avoiding. That being said, it should happen at a pace that feels comfortable for you. 

I meet my clients where you are, and follow your lead so that you leave our sessions feeling like your most immediate needs and concerns were addressed.

My number one priority is for the people I work with to feel safe and supported

How can I help?

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Relationship Issues

  • Trauma

  • Grief & Loss

  • Life Transitions

  • Goal Setting

  • Procrastination

  • Time Management

  • Self-Care

  • Self-Esteem

  • Infertility

How I may be a good fit for you

The relationship between therapist and client plays an important role in the therapeutic process. In this relationship, there needs to be a foundation of trust and safety. A good therapeutic relationship feels like a safety net that catches you when you fall.

One of my primary strengths as a psychologist is creating a relationship where my clients feel safe to speak your truth - to express your biggest fears, regrets, and worries - and to know that I am not there to judge you, but to make you feel seen and heard.

Please reach out today

I would love the opportunity to talk to you more about what you are struggling with, and how I can help you. Please schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation with me below, or fill out the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I am looking forward to helping to instill hope, and a sense of agency and empowerment into your life

Benefits of Teletherapy

Teletherapy allows you to connect with a therapist who may not live in your area, but who nevertheless is a good fit for you. You aren’t limited to those who are within driving distance, and no longer have to worry about driving to and from your weekly therapy appointments.

I am currently accepting new teletherapy patients throughout California and Arkansas.